There was my second day in Yellowstone, after finish my work I have my dinner with my friends in our employee dining room. After we had finish our dinner and ready to go back to our room, we saw there was snowing outside!!!! We were so happy and surprising!!!! It is because there was snowing in end of May!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
First snow in my life!!!
There was my second day in Yellowstone, after finish my work I have my dinner with my friends in our employee dining room. After we had finish our dinner and ready to go back to our room, we saw there was snowing outside!!!! We were so happy and surprising!!!! It is because there was snowing in end of May!!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I am BACK!!!!!
Wow..... It was 6 months I don't have update my blog!!!!!! The reason is the internet in Yellowstone was not stable and actually I have try to update my blog but it was fail every time!!!!! So, I decided don't want to update when I am in USA, so sorry about that.... haha....
I will start update what I done in USA now.... But because of I forget to bring my external hardisk back(I left it at Cyber= =") so I only can use the words to tell you guys how was all going when I am in USA....
Get Ready.... Start now!!!!!!
Part 1...... Departure......
I am fly from KLIA to Singapore Changi Airport and have a very long transit there, around 8 hours!!!!! But it was fun although I am alone because there have a lot of entertainment such as free foot massage machine, free entertainment studio with a lot of games, free movie and free high speed internet!!!! I almost don't sleep on that night.... haha....
I took more than 6 hours flight to Tokyo Narita Airport and have a very rush transit there, no more than half an hour..... I took more than 9 hours flight from Tokyo Narita Airport to Washington Seattle Airport. This is my first stop in USA, so happy and nervous because I have pass the custom and once I pass it I am successful visit to USA!!!! Fortunately, I passed!!!! I am in USA now!!!! This is what in my mind when I am crossing the counter...
There has one unexpected thing happened on me, as I know I no need to claim my luggages until my last destination, Bozeman. But I saw a lot of people claiming their luggages after passing the counter so I try to ask the staff there whether I need to claim my luggages or not(this is my first time talk to American!!!). They ask their manager and she says I no need to claim my luggages and they will go to my last destination so I just pass the security gate without my luggages. After I am on board and the staff come and find me say why you don't claim your luggages?? I am so shock of this and she ask me to follow her out to the boarding gate and I saw one couple have the same problem with me. The staff on the boarding gate "yell" at us, I can say it was yell cause it was so loud!! She ask the same question why we don't claim our luggages but she don't give us change to explain and she start calling someone and they say they will claim our luggages for us and ask us to go back to the flight. We feel like everything are so funny and it was not our fault because is the airport staff said we no need to claim our luggages. So now I know that we have to claim our luggages when we are in the first stop of USA. = =''
I think I am so bad luck once I am arrived USA, you will agree me after you know what was happened on me.... When I am in the half way fly to Colorado Denver Airport, the captain suddenly landing on somewhere not airport. I thought I am arrived early but after that the captain announce the Colorado Denver Airport was closed now so we have wait here until the airport reopen. I thought maybe it is only half an hour but I am wrong!!!! We sat on the plane almost 4 hours and do nothing during this 4 hours!!! The captain announce the airport is reopen so we will start depart now but after a few minutes he announce the airport is close again!!!! We did prepare to depart 2 times but all fail cause the airport close again!!!! We try to depart at the third time and finally we are really depart at this time!!!! Everyone are cheer for our departure... haha... The old lady who sat beside me was missed her flight while we are waiting to depart toColorado Denver Airport and she was really very mad of this. She called the airline hotline but they hole her call without any respond for many times and she was really mad on it... How I know? It is because she yell on the phone and I heard "f*ck" and "s*ck".... = =" Finally we had landed on Colorado Denver Airport on 8 something, everyone were clapping while we are landing... Funny right?? haha....
My next flight to Bozeman is on 9pm so I am rush to the flight information screen to see my boarding gate but I found that my flight was delayed 2 hours to 11pm then I slowly walk to the gate and sit on the chair wait until 11pm. I don't see any flight outside the gate on 11pm so I go to check for the time again and I found that the time status changed to "delayed" but no time on it and the gate changed also!!!! I go to the gate counter and show my boarding pass to the staff but she took my boarding pass and give me a new boarding pass, I don't know why but actually I just want to ask her is it my flight change to this gate.... = =" She announced due to they have no more aircraft so our flight will delay until they get an aircraft for us... WTF!!!! So we have to wait until they have an aircraft!!!! Fortunately, she announced they get an aircraft for us on 12 something.... Finally, I am arrived Bozeman on 2.3oam.... My total travel time from Malaysia to Bozeman, MT was 42 hours!!!!!
I arrived hotel on 3 something and after I done settle down was already almost 6am and my employer will come fetch me on 6.45am, I have no time to sleep.... = ="
Finally I get to meet my employer and start my adventure in Yellowstone!!!!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
vote me!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Speedwing roadshow WAT USA
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

现货:Princess. N Blue 星砂蓝 0-850度现货 Rm28 (只剩0度)
现货:Princess. N Violet 星砂紫 0-850度现货 Rm28